Saturday, February 9, 2013

A review of Subversive Kingdom

Way back... Far too far back really, I accepted a deal. I have not, to this point kept up my end if the bargain. I'd like very much to correct that, and so tonight I'd like to (finally) post a few words about Ed Stetzer's book Subversive Kingdom:

I accepted an offer put out in Ed Stetzer's blog that he was looking for a few handfuls of bloggers to read his newest book Subversive Kingdom and write a review on their blog, and copy it to Amazon... In exchange, one would receive a free copy of the book... I thought to myself, "hey, I'm kind of a blogger... and I really like Stetzer's writing... and I would love to read that book!" I had attempted to check out the book from my local library, only to find they don't shelve it or any if his books...

I was quite excited to read this book, as I had been at a Kingdom Advance conference prior to receiving the book and heard Stetzer speak on many of the topics he had written about. The book does not disappoint in any way of being another great piece of writing from him. It follows along the same missiological ideas as previous works I had been confronted with, but took the concepts of truly living a "sent" life that is "compelled by love" and broke it down into practical application of what it truly looks like to live as a subversive agent if the gospel. To steal a line from the book, it gives clear instruction of our need to live as exactly what we are, the rebellion against the rebellion.

Ed Stetzer has an amazing heart for the spreading of the gospel in practical, direct, tangible ways that truly impact our communities. He embraces the words that Christ gives his disciples that people will know we are Christ's by our love for others. His writings speak against the modern, lazy Christianity that reeks of the world and is no longer focused in declaring the glory of God.

I greatly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in knowing how we can live as agents of Christ in a very real way.

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