Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thoughts of Quantum Theories

I've done some reading this past couple of weeks about Quantum mechanics. I am always interested in what kind of explanations others have found about the world, and our existence in it. I read through an explanation of the thought exercise concerning "Quantum Suicide". This exercise is an extension of the Many-worlds theory which (roughly butchered) says that within the world we occupy, every decision we make has multiple possible answers and consequences. We are limited to deciding only one possible route for each of these choices, however, when we make our choice, we are causing a split and the creation of an alternative reality for each and every other possible choice. This series of events occurs with every person, and every decision they make, every day... forever. We remain only conscious of the reality of the choice we make, and are never aware of these alternate realities. To this end, Quantum Suicide is an exercise in which a man sits in a room with a loaded pistol. When he chooses to pull the trigger, the gun will either fire or it won't, depending on the location and rotation of quanta acting on the gun at that precise moment. These two possibilities split into 2 different realities, in one the gun fires and the man dies... while in the other, the gun malfunctions, and does not fire. In this second reality, the man resets himself, and pulls the trigger again. Again there is a split into two realities, one where the man dies, and one in which he will again try to kill himself. This creates an infinite loop of attempted suicide in which the man will ultimately (because of the never-ending splitting of realities) become immortal.

I say this to get to this point, I have a few observations I'd like to make:
1) Thinking about how many decisions each of us makes every day, and how many people there are in the world, it is impossible to try to estimate how many different, parallel realities exist and how many new ones are created each day. Especially when you factor in that each decision made in each alternative reality would itself cause a split into a whole new set of reality... and it spirals onward...
So, the same people who subscribe to this type of thinking will generally also concede that due to the sheer number of realities in existence, then the laws governing large numbers would state that anything is possible. To this end, I have to wonder how they can question the existence of God. Wouldn't it stand to their own logic and reason that within at least one of those plains of existence there would be room for God? Also, by definition of who God is, if He exists in one reality, He would have to exist in all of them? If He is not, then He is not God and could not exist at all... yet, that would then violate the logic and the law of large numbers to say that it is not possible for God to exist.

2) This is also another reason why it is impossible to prove or disprove the existence of God. We can use neither the things of this world, nor the measurements of man to attempt to nail down any proof of God. He is existent beyond any level of understanding we can achieve, and yet He reveals Himself to us in ways we can comprehend. His mercy in this requires a willingness to believe. A lack of faith, so often is a lack of desire to believe. God's existence and the account of reality as depicted in the Bible makes much more sense than pretty much all of the other mumbo-jumbo I listed here...

In all reality, I don't know the full point as to why I felt I needed to post this. I hope I will at some point realize why I take time to write out so much of what I am thinking... but for today, this is all I got!

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